Tracy Brabin kicks off Pride Month with policing visit
Tracy, said: “It has been an absolute privilege to meet and chat to some of the members of the West Yorkshire Police LGBT+ network here in Wakefield, especially as we head into Pride Month.
2nd June 2021
Tracy Brabin, the Mayor of West Yorkshire has thrown her support behind Pride Month with a visit to West Yorkshire Police’s LGBT+ staff association.
The group meet regularly to discuss issues and opportunities for LGBT+ colleagues, provide feedback to the wider organisation and offer direct support.
Tracy, said: “It has been an absolute privilege to meet and chat to some of the members of the West Yorkshire Police LGBT+ network here in Wakefield, especially as we head into Pride Month.
“I have heard all about the ongoing work within the Force to promote inclusivity, equality and diversity. Themes which represent the golden thread that run through my own priorities as your Mayor for West Yorkshire and specifically my pledge to appoint an inclusivity champion to work to ensure the region’s recovery benefits us all.
“It has also been an opportunity to talk about important issues, such as hate crime, which I know can have a significant impact, particularly upon our LGBT+ communities.
“It is clear, there is already a tremendous amount of work taking place to ensure West Yorkshire Police is more representative of its communities, however, I know there is still more which can be achieved.
“Together with the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, I will be looking at how we can continue to integrate the knowledge and experience that we have collectively gathered, whilst identifying new ways to build upon it.”
Assistant Chief Constable Angela Williams speaking on behalf of the Force, said: “I’m delighted our Mayor has taken time out of her busy diary to spend sometime today with our LGBT+ Network to further understand some of the challenges but also see first hand the excellent work that has already taken place.
“Every year we support Pride Month as one of our dedicated themes and this is part of our continuous support for all our wonderful hard working Staff Support Networks. As a Force we are really proud of how we continuously support and promote diversity, equality and inclusion, encouraging all our Officers and Staff to bring their whole selves to work.”