Pay gap
Information about West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s gender pay gap and ethnicity pay gap, and the measures we are taking to deliver on our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
Like all relevant organisations with 250 or more employees, we publish our gender pay gap information every year. We also track and publish our ethnicity pay gap.
Although we do not see any pay gap as acceptable, the mean gender pay gap in our organisation in March 2023 was lower, at 5.38%, than the mean national average of 8.3% (source: ONS). The mean ethnicity pay gap for 2023 was 9.8%. We have tracked both gender and ethnicity pay gaps since 2017 and whilst there is some year on year variation the broad trend has seen a narrowing of both gaps during this monitoring period. However we acknowledge that there is still some substantial progress required to meet our target to eliminate these gaps.
The Combined Authority has set targets, as part of its EDI Action Plan 2022-25, to reduce these gaps to zero percent by 2028. We want these gaps to be removed for three reasons. Firstly, because their presence is indicative of systemic injustice and unfairness. Second, because as an organisation responsible for improving the lives of a very diverse population, we believe that we should be broadly representative of the people who we are serving – at all levels. Thirdly, because we want to be an organisation where people can bring their whole selves to work and progress to their full potential, despite barriers inherent in society.
Our Mayor, Tracy Brabin, has pledged to truly prioritise equality, diversity and inclusion in our region. We will continue to work to eradicate any pay gap in our organisation to be a standard bearer for equality. Celebrating diversity is central to our values, and we work hard to ensure every member of staff has opportunities to achieve their full potential.
We are proactive about supporting flexible working, and we calculate the pay of all employees using the industry-standard Hay job evaluation system to ensure that all staff are rewarded fairly and consistently, irrespective of gender, ethnicity or any other protected characteristic.
The Combined Authority’s EDI vision is “to be a leader recognised nationally for our focus and commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion”. This starts with knowing and understanding our data, and these reports are therefore an essential foundation to us delivering on this commitment.
You can view our recent reports and find out what we are doing to reduce the gap below:
Gender Pay Gap Reports