Help prevent death and serious injury on our roads

People in West Yorkshire are being asked their views on road safety to help end all road deaths and serious injury by 2040.

31st July 2023

People in West Yorkshire are being asked their views on road safety to help end all road deaths and serious injury by 2040.

A new survey has been launched with questions on priorities and what further action should be considered around issues like speeding, dangerous driving, road layouts and vehicle maintenance.

Results of the survey will inform the West Yorkshire Vision Zero Strategy.

The strategy aims to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries by 2040, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority is being joined by key partners including West Yorkshire Police, local authorities, the Fire and Rescue Service and National Highways in working on and delivering the strategy.

Alison Lowe OBE, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime and Chair of Vision Zero Board in West Yorkshire, said: “We are determined to create a safer, fairer West Yorkshire and firmly believe that no death or serious injury is acceptable on our roads.

“Whilst we are under no illusion of the size of the task ahead, we must come together and do all that we can to make it a reality. We don’t want anyone to suffer the pain of losing a loved one in these circumstances. v “It’s really important that we get as many views as possible to inform the strategy so I would encourage everyone to have their say. Let’s do this together.”

Take part in the survey here