
Following the transfer of the policing and crime function from the Police and Crime Commissioner to the Mayor of West Yorkshire on 10th May 2021, policies are being reviewed and will be published below as they become available. In the meantime you can access previous polices used under the Police and Crime Commissioner here westyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk/how-we-work/policies.


The Mayor’s Police and Crime Commissioner Functions Scheme of Delegation (PDF 62KB)

Sub-delegation scheme of the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (PDF 105KB)

The Mayor’s Police and Crime Commissioner Functions Scheme of Consent to the Chief Constable (PDF 139KB)

Record Management and Data Quality Policy (PDF 510KB)

West Yorkshire Combined Authority Whistleblowing Policy (PDF 301KB)

Decision making framework for the Mayor's Police and Crime functions (PDF 181KB)

Whistleblowing reports about West Yorkshire Police are dealt with by West Yorkshire Police's Professional Standards Department but reports concerning the Chief Constable are automatically referred to the Mayor, Tracy Brabin, who is the ‘appropriate authority’ for dealing with complaints and conduct matters relating to the Chief Constable’. The West Yorkshire Police policy is can be found at https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/about-us/policies-and-procedures/policies/human-resources